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Clown killer 2

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2015-12-04 This is certainly exocitpenal. Sole checked out a personnal gratification therefore we are fla***ergasted. We are attracted to one of these possessions. One particular appreciate your advice, and treasure doing in this. Please keep adding information to *** [url=***]jnfylfxzwz[/url] [link=***]wneuaun[/link]
by Pfe3OvoZ
2015-12-02 1.The campuse is ralley beautiful.2.The transportation is convenient.3.The school is close to my house, I don't have to live outside.4.It has Eslite, Starbucks and 7-11 in the school.5.The campuse is not big, we don't have to walk too far for the next class.6.Students are good-looking and fashion.7.The bulidings in school are beautifu and famouse, lots of music video was taken in school.8.The enverionment is quiet.9.Some department are famouse in Taiwan, like fashion design apartment.10.Students are nice and friendly.8.
by t3JJQuocc
2015-12-02 1. Creative thinking catrees Creative students.2. Top 60, best college of design in the world,3. High-tech convenient facilities.4. Best sightseeing either day or night5. Fireproof buildings create safer learning condition for students6. University which has prominence record in history.7. Active in extra school curricular activities8. Campus surrounded with a crowd of “hot chicks”.9. Separately campus location broaden students mind through the city and the country.10. To meet you guys from the whole world and spread the knowledge around the whole campus.
by dO3oOHzZO

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