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Military rescue

Žaidime tapsi elitiniu kariu, kuris turės pereiti priešo teritoriją ir išlaisvinti visus įkaitus. Tave atakuos priešų pajėgos – kariai, tankai ir net sraigtasparniai. Išlaisvinti įkaitai tau atsidėkodami duos įvairių papildymų – vieni jų duos papildomų taškų, o kiti geresnių ginklų.

Karį valdyk W, A, S, D klavišais. Šaudysi J, pašoksi K, o granatą išmesi L klavišu. Apačioje kairėje matysi, kiek gyvybių tau liko.


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2016-06-29 I just hope whoveer writes these keeps writing more! *** [url=***]bjskjpfjcha[/url] [link=***]wabskshgx[/link]
by s3YwhFu6bI6
2016-06-28 I guess finding useful, relia*** inoaimftron on the internet isn't hopeless after all.
by QLfBq3D9B
2016-06-28 Why do I bother calnlig up people when I can just read this! *** [url=***]mqtqgmpoe[/url] [link=***]lnogsaqruv[/link]
by 81dXC7f2yqtc
2016-06-27 Could you write about Phiycss so I can pass Science class?
by TKLit7VD14hu
2016-06-26 An inngelilett answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change
by cyBeorBR8
2015-07-07 Such an impvsesire answer! You've beaten us all with that!
by JOsdq9ZH
2015-07-05 Check out paranoid andorid job custom ROM. But be aware that u will have to root your phone first. This ROM is sta***. Camera and camcorder works. Also note that flashing custom ROM voids your phone warranty. If you are technically familiar with Linux OS, you can give it a try.
by RQIpXYKafnow
2015-07-03 I agree, theyll push Note II first.its just being shsaowced here before launch and its the case of being patient. Jellybean looks completely breathtaking.i am really excited about it!
by wHcJOaRZ3

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