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Apačioje esančiame meniu paspaudęs "CARAVAN", gali peržiūrėti, kokia dabartinė tavo karavano būklė. Matysi, kokių gyvulių, transporto, krovinį turi, kiek vandens, maisto, pašaro ar degalų reikia dienai.

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Mygtukas "TOWN" įjungs miestelio, kuriame esi, žemėlapį. Jame galėsi gydyti savo gyvūnus, pirkti bei parduoti prekes, įsigyti kitų reikalingų daiktų (vaistų, maisto, vandens talpyklų), atnaujinti vandens atsargas.

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2015-07-07 Great in snow! My 9 year old son got this for Christmas and he was happy with it. He makes up indoor oabtscle courses with legos, books, rocks and other things to drive over. It pretty much went over everything no pro***m. The wheels are great! They're not the plastic ones that have no traction that gets the car stuck with the wheels spinning spinning. These wheels are bouncy and have great traction for climbing over things. My son takes it out into the snow (although it's proba***y not recommended for wet snow) but it works all the same. The independent suspension is amazing! All 4 wheels bend independently, hense making 4 wheeling easier. It requires 6 AA batteries and a 9 volt battery for the remote.
by 0xVAkjcBm
2015-07-05 (Toy) as you'd expect. this is relaly representative of the italia ferrari. It's not fast and won't last forever, but it's great for a 3 yr old who enjoys using it in the cul-de-sac. *** [url=***]qrgygi[/url] [link=***]ifdkrl[/link]
by MIuuoQPE
2015-07-05 This is exactly what I waentd! To correct the description, it actually needs 6 AA batteries.I waentd an inexpensive off road R/C vehicle that didn't cost much over $100. I'm not planning on racing, just something for the yard and driveway. Well, this fit the bill perfectly. It will crawl over grass, sidewalks, sand, small animals, almost anything that gets in it's way. It does exactly what you think those cheap R/C trucks SHOULD do but don't. I drove it in the rain and through shallow water and it did great. The only downside so far is the whine of the motors but it proba***y geared to heck to do all that it does. I paid less for it at Wally World so shop around.+ two motors+ true four wheel drive+ AA batteries (not some battery pack that is hard to find)+ good value for the money+ good tires and suspension- motor/gear whine
by br5BYjQSOC
2015-07-04 In comparison to what? They are not hand made, and yet the menhicas that are used to MASS PRODUCE them are not cheap. Plus some of those paint jobs. WOW!! Though they are applied by machine as well.Plus the scrap metal market is all going to China at premium prices leaving us very little here at home, that too drives up the cost.China is a big user of commodities, almost all high prices can be attributed to China in the fact they are gob***ing up so much of everything, like we do and used to do, though to a lesser extent now with the economy the way it is.
by nPJmMIP5fA

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