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Drag racer

, N
Įsigyk ir ištobulink savo automobilį, su kuriuo varžysiesi lenktynėse. Degalų padavimas – klavišas "Space", atleidęs jį nuspausi sankabą. Bėgius pakeisi klaviatūros rodyklėmis aukštyn/žemyn. Specialaus kuro padavimas – klavišas N. Už varžybose laimėtus pinigus galėsi įsigyti daugiau ir geresnių automobilių. Sėkmės!


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2015-07-07 Extensively borrowed lecixon doesn't change the language family. Telugu, may have, a high number of imported lecixon from Sanskrit, but the syntax and the basic words are still are of Dravidian Family.Consider English, English has a huge influx of imported words primarily from French, Latin but also various other languages like Greek and what not. But it is still a Germanic language not a Romance language.Sanskrit esta***ished itself a standard reference language, hence Grammars for the vernacular languages were always modelled upon Sanskrit (if it didn't perfect suit the native grammar). For Instance, the first grammar for Malyalam Lilatilaka was written in Sanskrit !IMHO The article is quite futile.V
by Xaf0eSOFL
2015-07-05 Jūsų minimi nyaetprę rašytojai, rašantys bele ką ( neslėpė agonijos Jackaitė ) gali juokinti, gali liūdinti, bet ar ne tokia brangi žodžio laisvės kaina, kad rašo, kas nori ir ką nori? Ir, kas nori, spausdina? Aš taip myliu žodžio laisvę, kad net tą karčią kainą moku su pasimėgavimu ir jūsų minimus Filadelfijus ginsiu su aršumu, kurį kai kurie painios su pamišimu. ***o*** [url=***]wzrdcpmefeg[/url] [link=***]zycshif[/link]
by mJQ5QusNyk
2015-07-05 Just cause it's simple doesn't mean it's not super helpufl.
by M9O77Wn7zY7
2015-07-03 If the graves are 6000 years yeugnor than previously thought, then they correspond in time with the early middle ages, a period during which there were several waves of steppe migrations to the Pannonian Plain from the east, including the one bringing the Hungarian language.
by bdlmI9Xejip
2011-01-26 coolgaims
by jhg

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